Miss Reef

今天來介紹一個以「美臀」為主題的選美大賽「Miss Reef」

Reef 是一個衝浪運動品牌,由阿根廷兩兄弟Fernando 與Santiago 創立,已成立25年。

當初,Fernando 與Santiago 知道自己有很好的產品,他們思考著要如何讓自己能跳脫出眾多衝浪產品中。南美洲的沙灘美女們提供了靈感,決定以異國風情元素來切入衝浪市場,由Reef 小姐來介紹她們的衝浪生活、與產品創意,但很特別的是,所有的廣告中都看不到她的臉,也沒有任何新聞來介紹她的名字她是誰?

一開始衝浪雜誌對於這樣的廣告內容很有疑問,還不願意刊登。經過一番溝通後,這個創意終於開始執行。閱讀雜誌的讀者,被那南美洲的異國風情、美麗的翹臀、S曲線背影吸引,從那時候開始,Miss Reef 成了國際性的衝浪代言人,也代表著Reef 的成功。

近年來Miss Reef 的競爭越來越激烈,每年都有來自南美洲各個不同國家的翹臀美女來選美,第一名的會成為年度月曆主角。

(圖片取自於Miss Reef 官方粉絲團,加入就有源源不絕的美臀照片可以欣賞喔!XD)


2011年冬季最新Miss Reef 競賽短片

註:Reef 官方網站

Reef’s twenty-five year heritage traces back to two brothers from Argentina, Fernando and Santiago “Santi” Aguerre. Fueled by their passion for surfing, and armed with a unique entrepreneurial spirit, the brothers acted on an idea to create a high quality, comfortable, active lifestyle sandal. Attracted to the Southern California lifestyle, Santi moved to California in the early 80’s and would shortly be reunited with his brother. Fernando graduated from Law School, and headed to La Jolla to help co-found Reef. With $4000 working capital, hard work, dedication and some savvy marketing ideas, the brothers built Reef into the #1 sandal brand.

Fernando and Santiago knew they had a great product, but they wanted to separate themselves from the other surf companies. Inspired by the notoriously beautiful women of the beaches in South America, the brothers saw an opportunity to introduce the surf market to an exotic element that they called Miss Reef. Never revealing her face or identity, the brothers used the intrigue of Miss Reef to help convey their idea of the surf lifestyle. The first advertisement involving Miss Reef was rejected from the surfing magazines for the controversial content, but after some convincing, the ads finally ran. The surfers who read the magazines were instantly intrigued by the exotic and beautiful figure in the ads. Since then, Miss Reef has become a global icon of the surfing community. She has remained an integral component of Reef’s DNA, and can easily be attributed to the success of Reef.




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